Employer Solutions
Customized Recruitment Services
Job Posting Assistance
On-the-Job Training
Customized Training
Free Interview Space
24hr Online Recruitment Tools
Customized Candidate Pre-Screening
Employment & Labor Market Stats
Information on Tax Incentives
Incumbent Worker Training
Employee Lay-Off Assistance
In-person Job Fairs and Hiring Events
Information on Internship and Apprentice Programs
Get Connected to Talented & Skilled Individuals!

Committed to high-value business solutions and meeting your needs!
Well beyond the high-powered online tools, the professional staff of TPW can create a completely customized recruitment plan that will best serve your company needs, including, on and off-site recruitment events, applicant pre-screening and assessments, and larger community Career Fairs.
Robust online job posting and job matching system powered by the Louisiana Workforce Commission that will get employer's job openings the maximum exposure to more than 250,000 active job seekers in Louisiana.
Funding assistance to employers to train a group of to-be-hired employees in the specific occupational skills required by the employer for immediate job openings.
Access to on-site facilities for recruiting and interviewing job candidates. Register for larger multi-industry job fairs to connect with potential applicants.
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a benefit available to employers ranging from $1,200 to $9,600 for each new hire that is from a target population. This includes Veterans, Persons with Disabilities, Long-term unemployed, Public Assistance Recipients, and Ex-offenders. Let us help you learn how to capture this valuable tax credit.
Get funding assistance in upskilling your current workforce. Eligible companies can request up to 50% reimbursement for the cost of training on new equipment, new processes, or new skills.
Gain insight using online tools from the Louisiana Workforce Commission about the current workforce supply and demand, salary comparisons, and availability of skilled workers.