Get the Training You Need!
Occupational Skills Training
Adult Education, HISET
Free online training & cetifications
Employer-Based Training
Basic Skills Upgrades
Curriculum & Education Information
Find out if you qualify. Learn More >

We can support you on your career path to success!
Work with a Career Specialist to determine your workforce training needs, help you select a training provider and program, and assist you with funding for tuition, books, fees, and other supportive services like transportation and/or childcare reimbursement, if needed and eligible.
Explore the world of online learning to gain new skills and expand your reach. See the list of programs that are eligible through LWC’s Tech Ready program using Coursera, or take free courses through Alison, Metrix, and others.
Locate information on specific training providers and schools, including the programs they offer.
The On-the-Job Training (OJT) program helps job seekers gain access to more positions even when they don't have all of the skills needed to be 100% productive on day one. OJT is funding to help offset the employer's cost of your training.
Access funding assistance just for employers. Ask about On-the-Job Training for new hires or for promoting entry-level workers, or Customized Training for group new hiring, or Incumbent Worker Training.
If you lack prior work experience, you can learn work readiness skills in a paid work experience/internship. Or maybe you have been out of the work force for a while and need to re-establish yourself through a paid Transitional Job. Meet with a Career Specialist to discuss options.